Psycho Meat Puppet Theatre Of The Mind
This evil clown act involves hilarious screw-ups and misdirected rescue behaviour.
The clown is trying to 'nudge, nudge, wink, wink' trick the audience or other performers into feeling sorry for them.
Rules Of Thump:
1. Don't take responsibility for your so called lif (abbrev. for liff, see: The Meaning of Liff (Paperback) by Douglas Adams & John Lloyd).
2. Don’t take any action that might lead to a solution, don't DO anything to get yourself out of funny situations. However, you must keep very busy – drama follows action.
3. Get into difficult if not improvable or paradoxical positions. How doesn't matter, give them the old razzle-dazzle. Not everyone will buy the BS but the gullible and aroused will believe and you can use their emotions against them.
4. Act helpless until you want something or they are within easy striking distance.
5. Do I Have to mention Whiney?
6. Make it obvious that you want and believe that others can make your existential existence better.
Pantomime Horse:
1. Sickness, accidents, family deaths, loving/abandoning pets, suicidal behaviour and crying during soup commercials are your stock and trade.
2. Realistically but subtly exaggerate pain to exact sympathy and get out of helping friends move.
3. Heartache: She said I looked like her 4th husband.
Bore Issues:
1. Anyone who loves me must be too stupid to see how defective I am so I'll screw them up before they discover how worthless I am and leave me.
2. Harm & Indulgence tissues – better than Kleenex.
3. Entitlement is the flip side of sexploitation.
Player Character Background:
1. I only get taken care of (not loved) when I ma ufcked up or in pain.
2. When in doubt act infantilized, if you can't spell that act spoiled.
Conscious Bot: You make me un/happy. Situations I magically fall into are untenable.
Unconscious Bot: You will rescue me because it's your fault and I'm hapless.
Doesn't Play Well With Others:
Let's focus on why Mary is hurting my feelings for no reason.
Jesus is being such a jerk!
Other Characters:
Only potential rescuers need apply.
Words That Are Not In The Dickionary:
Assertive & Responsible.
Queue For Big Scene:
Must make a decision / take action Or enter pain.
Common Freelings & Associates:
Listening, sympathy, suggestion giving, supportive, rescue response, guilt, empathy burnout, frustration leading to resentment, take a hike you brat.
I am neither Spanish nor a lawyer nor a Spanish lawyer.
Remember, the game here is not to get 'something' out of life or Do anything, the game is played by various forms of complaining and half hearted but ultimately planned/failed attempts at competence.
1. Points are counted by gaining sympathy and empathy.
2. Free rides count for triple points.
3. Repeated conning of the same mark is a 25% total bonus.
4. Guilt (from others) is good (0.5pt).
Catch 22:
Fulfillment of desire leads to regression which destroys source of gratification which leads to rescue which fulfills desire...
"What sick, ridiculous, puppets we are, and what a gross, little stage we dance on. What fun we have, dancing and fucking, not a care in the world. Not knowing that we are nothing."
Somerset, se7en
Labels: clown art, clown drawing, clown picture, litotes the clown, madness