Monday, August 14, 2006

I'll Eat Anything As Long As It's A Baby

Man vs. Clown!

I'll eat anything as long as it's a baby:
Veal, lamb, puppy.

As long as it hasn't had a chance to really live.

Life experience makes the meat tough.

Innocence makes it sweet and tender.

- Peter Lynn,
Things I said, but shouldn't have #12

Peter Lynn's way of thinking is way off key.

He should be ashamed of himself.

He will have a very short-lived and lonely life if he keeps this up.

He has made such a joke of it all, and Lord help him. One day he will stand in front of God and have to explain his actions.

He can either change his ways or find himself spending eternity in Hell.

In another post he reveals his sensitive side with a coworker:

"Can I talk to the baby?" I ask.

"Sure," she says.

I bend close. "Your mommy's worthless," I say.

- Peter Lynn

Check out his blog and other ' Things I said, but shouldn't have'

Man vs. Clown!
Old blog

Evil Clown Art: Theosophist Trembles In Ecstasy

Theosophists have been infected with a suspicion of the overwhelming splendor of the clown cycle in which our humanity forms but ephemeral shadows.

Mixed media on 100% rag paper

Evil Clown


Around about now in history:

August 1930 - The debut of the Amos and Andy show on NBC (radio) starring Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll, was it:

- A ground breaking positive influence
- Racially offensive stereotyping
- A once profitable franchise flogged to death


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Blogger West said...

Babies taste best a la carte

Wednesday, August 16, 2006 12:13:00 PM  

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