Monday, June 28, 2010

Elle Ronn Clown Presents Plagiarized Material

Psychopolitics, Renamed 'Brainwashing', To Sell More Books

You (that is to say, not me) must labour (that is work, not bear children) until we (read I, or someone I have been duped by, etc.) have dominion (that's like control, but it also covers a bunch of sexual stuff too) over the minds and bodies (never forget the lithe - voluptuous bodies Plural) of every important person (the good looking and others) in your nation (start small think big).

You must achieve such disrepute (not you personally you preppy goof) for the state (not your government) of insanity (you may already be familiar with) and such authority (now we mean government and professionals) over its pronouncement (not how it sounds, but how people are officially labeled) that not one statesman (this is sexist so let's use 'public official') so labeled (identified, not brand identification) could again be given credence (not credit as in money, but credit as in due) by his (there's that sexism again) people (general term used to describe the quaint idea of inclusive society).

You must work (that is labour) until suicide (smoking, using drugs, alcohol consumption, eating at McDonald's, lack of exercise, self inflicted gunshot wounds, etc.) arising (not coming out of or waking up, but really the cause of) from mental (this is ambiguous, but let's include organic brain here for inclusiveness sake) imbalance (just a second here... we currently don't accept suicide as anything but an aberration, despite... never mind that now) is common (though we are very aware of class implications we just mean 'regular, everyday, etc.' here) and calls (that is 'brings about') forth (no, not 4th, into public consciousness) no general (don't make we use 'common' again) investigation or remark (which it doesn't, so, I guess, job well done).

  • Evil Clown

  • Western Canon: question, book or gun?

    - Evil Clown Dictionary


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