Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sacrifice Is a Joy - Is a Blessing

Can Clowns Become Saints Able to Sacrifice and be Eligible to Accept Some Lord's Extra-Special Blessing?

Jesters and Harlequins, a mythos must demand the sacrifice of all things or n'er will it have power commensurate to consume the faith and the faithful, a binding unto everlasting covenant of non-being.

The Korban demanded that of that weakling Abraham and those milksops Alma and Amulek waiting upon the convenient, but noticeably late, invading Lamanite mob bode us, and embolden us, nothing.

My Mountebanks real and imagined, genuine and obscured, remember simply this: a kiss is but a hiss, a sigh but an 'oh my', jealousy's not hate, and bashing in a pate, hearts beat of puss and coagulates, as time slides by.

Think you now of Jesus Christ, pinned two left and right, dropped from Dad's ubiquity, forced into premature liquidity.

Forget philosophy you Wit and follow your own tit as practical Pranksters of Elder Godssss...

In this last dimension of verity, many monkeys and Viziers lost their lives and ears; So long, farewell, Auf Weidersehen, goodbye... and made it sacrilicious for the trope troupe, which is of us.

Now, solomonly, the truth ushers in the gifts of an ethereal empyrean [Praise them!]. And mind well will we the truth withall so as to be pristine as worthy for all that will befall.

But, be warned, forget the not the sacrifice.

  • Evil Clown


    - Litotes The Clown


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