Thursday, March 30, 2006

Evil Clown And Black Dog

And so it goes...

The Black Dog

I delude myself that I have more good qualities than bad ones

Friends see me as cooperative and agreeable because they don’t know who I really am

I'm tense and nervous but hide it effectively / drink heavily

I'm easily upset by little things like injustice, poverty, human degradation, starvation and the like

I can be quite impatient with morons

I can get rattled by the knowledge that life could end easily:
for myself, my civilization and / or my species
I don't tend to seek advice from others

Due to circumstances beyond our control

Litotes The Clown is extemporaneously unavailable


Saturday, March 18, 2006

Beware The Ideas Of March

2 K00l 4U, Evil Clown Chides

"The world is full of fools; and he who would not wish to see one,
must not only shut himself up alone, but must also break his looking-glass."

- Multiple Attributions the Clown

Look up Geek in Wiktionary, the free dictionary

A geek (pronunciation /gi:k/ ) is a person who is fascinated, perhaps obsessively, by obscure or very specific areas of knowledge and imagination. Geek may not always have the same meaning as the term nerd (see nerd for a discussion of the disputed relation between the terms).

Nontechnical geeks

In the past, the image of geeks has almost always been associated with someone who was assumed to be more intelligent and educated than the general public due to the notion that many of them were intellectually talented.

However, with the revolution caused by electronic entertainment, the internet, and television, many, both male and female, have styled themselves as geeks in the interest of appearing more intelligent or generating a fashionably quirky image.

Examples of both can especially be seen in many genre fandom circles where esoteric jargon is frequently employed as a sign of being "in the know" or the desire to be part of a subculture's elite. An example of this is the widespread use of japlish in many western otaku circles or the frequent use of L33t online.

Many of these geeks prefer pop culture, entertainment and artsy or fannish subjects rather than the traditional domain of geeks; science or technical fields which are intellectually demanding and require serious committment.

Jay and Silent Bob of Kevin Smith's Jersey Trilogy (Clerks, Mallrats, and Chasing Amy) popularizes the image of self-styled geeks who may be proficient at absorbing pop culture/entertainment information (such as comics, movies, videogames, and sci-fi) but are not particularly educated or intelligent otherwise.

  • Evil Clown

  • -----

    Geek Speak Of Clown

    Re:Interesting? mod this clown down.


    by Kent Recal (714863) on Monday November 07, @05:41PM (#13974229)
    Nope, Gecko is written in C++ but the whole Firefox interface, which is for all means and purposes "my browser" is written in XUL, which is nothing more than Javascript + CSS + XML.

    Which is why you can get browsers such as K-Meleon, also based on Gecko and still different browsers (K-Meleon being written in C++/Win32).


    Master of Ceremonies


    Thursday, March 16, 2006

    I Met A Man Who Wasn't There

    The Secret Lies Within Identity
    A Frightfully Good Scare

    As I was going up the stair
    I met a man, who wasn't there
    He wasn't there again today
    I wish, I wish he'd go away

    Whispered in a sing-song voice, like a child's rhyme.

    Like an incantation or prayer against something bad and scary. Appropriate for protection from evil clowns, demons and the menacing but unseen.

    You live in a murky nightmare, being toyed with by forces you can't control or comprehend.

    Everyone, it seems, has a duel identity, a secret or a secret life: playing on themes of fantasy vs. reality and public lie vs. private truth.

    Memory and time:

    I met a man, who wasn't there
    He wasn't there again today

    And in this case, who can you meet who isn't there? Yourself.

    'I wish, I wish he'd go away' sounds is a combination of beseeching and wishing for things to return to the tolerably normal and mundane.

    The poem is, at its heart, nonsensical. This reflects the state of your mind and of the audience.

    The compound effect of all these elements makes it eerie... In another context it would sound like Dr. Seus or Lewis Caroll.

    The phantom doesn't just 'go away', but has to be faced...

  • Evil Clown

  • I hate therefore I am

    Next on Charmed: A demon attacks The Charmed Ones with dream dust, causing their nightmares to come to life. Paige is harassed by an evil clown at a baby shower.


    John Cusack
    Ray Liotta
    John Hawkes


    Wednesday, March 15, 2006

    Evil Clowns Pervert Public Works Of Art

    Deviant Statue Molesters Twist The Innocent Beautification Of Public Spaces Into Debauched Pornography

    These dirty minded inverters of public norms submit photos from all over the world.

    It is wrong
    It is funny

    Clever and reckless

    Thankfully for us there is a photographic record.

  • Evil Clown

  • Ask a better question:

    A) What is most beautiful about war?
    B) What if progress is an allusion?
    C) Is failure an option?
    D) What if this is Heaven?
    E) Why shouldn't I steal from the company?


    More sick jesters:
    Statue Molesters


    Friday, March 10, 2006

    Freeholders Fear Student Clowns Mock Trail Threat To President

    Do Not Mock Him Clown; Lest Clown Mock Him Down

    And tell the pleasant prince this mock of his
    Hath turn'd his balls to gun-stones; and his soul
    Shall stand sore charged for the wasteful vengeance
    That shall fly with them: for many a thousand widows
    Shall this his mock mock out of their dear husbands;
    Mock mothers from their sons, mock castles down;
    And some are yet ungotten and unborn
    That shall have cause to curse the Dauphin's scorn.

    William Shakespeare
    Henry V
    Act 1, Scene 2

    Morris County clowns express praise for teacher; find fault in timing, format

    Resolution defends president, decisions – at least for now

    The trial, which began Feb. 27, concluded Tuesday, Perlett said. No verdict was rendered as part of an agreement brokered by officials in the K-12 district last Friday following an onslaught of criticism.

    Mouth pieces for the President said he was pleased that the Freeholders had opted for freedom over terror by gagging the teenagers, but was disappointed that the resolution that they passed, though flagrantly full of factual errors and in obvious support of the current administration did not go far enough.

    "To try a sitting president in a time of war crosses the line"

    This is the text of the resolution passed by the Morris County Board of Freeholders Wednesday concerning the Parsippany High School mock trial of President Bush:

    Whereas, an advanced placement government class at Parsippany High School conducted a mock trial (the Mock Trial) and named George W. Bush, President of the United States of America, as a defendant;

    and Whereas, during this Mock Trial, President Bush was fictitiously accused of "crimes against civilian populations," and the "inhumane treatment of prisoners,"

    and Whereas, these hypothetical charges amounted to accusing the President of the United States of being a war criminal,

    and Whereas, this Mock Trial was conducted while the United States was in fact waging a war on terrorism against assassins who attacked our nation on Sept. 11, 2001, killing thousands of innocent men, women and children,

    and Whereas, since that day in September 2001, thousands more young American men and women have been killed or wounded while bravely serving in this war to defeat the terrorists so that attacks like the ones that occurred nearly five years ago will never again happen on American soil,

    and Whereas, there are more appropriate and respectful avenues for addressing public concerns over current national policy than by conducting mock trials in a high school classroom of a sitting president for scurrilous accusations of war crimes during a time of war,

    and Now, therefore be it resolved, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris in the State of New Jersey that the Mock Trial is hereby condemned as highly inappropriate and inimical to our national interest for the following reasons.

    1. The Mock Trial undermines the office of the Presidency at the at the very moment our nation is at war.

    2. The Mock Trial undermines the legitimacy of our troops, who currently service in harm's way at the command of the President of the United States.

    3. The Mock Trial is disrespectful to the young men and women who have paid the ultimate price in this war on terrorism because it suggests they gave their lives on orders from a "war criminal" rather than a President who is committed to ensure the national security of the United States of America.

  • Evil Clown

  • Tired of war? Let's talk celebrity eating disorders and broken marriages.
    - Litotes The Clown

    Clown mismatch:

    Warriors Raising Warriors


    Monday, March 06, 2006

    Blackface Whiteface Racy Clowns

    It's Funny Because I Don't Live In Chicago

    The Defiant Thomas Brothers -

    The Defiant Thomas Brothers are Seth Thomas and Paul Thomas.

    Shock language explained:

    Spics: Swimming Pool Installation And Cleaning Specialists

    Japs: Jacuzzi Aquarium Pool & Spa

    Coons: Certified Occupational Onsite Nurseryman

    Watch here to learn more:

    The Page:

    The File:

  • Evil Clown

  • I did absolutely nothing, and it was everything I thought it could be.
    - Peter Gibbons, Office Space


    Labels: , , , , , , , ,

    Sunday, March 05, 2006

    Teacher Probed Over Bush Remarks

    Thought Crime, Sex Crime Or Pun Crime, Evil Clown Asks

    Talk of 'violation' and 'probe' may lead to penal system.

    Read it here:
    Teen secretly recording adult and reporting them to the authorities

    In this supposedly serious article...

    1 student complains, 150 teens protest peacefully – praise Dick and Bush that one of those kids could abstain from promiscuous social discourse and report the case of loose talk to his, obviously more politically mature and sophisticated, daddy.

    Am I laughing or crying? Can I tell any more?

    Hey, wait a minute... is this the editor talking to me in secret code? Maybe they are not trying to keep a straight face, maybe they are laughing or suddenly scared because no one seems to get the joke.

    Cum on, doesn't it sound like a bad high school joke or a satirical submission to an erotic story orgy?

    I am already creating the concept and the copy for the porn sequels:

    • Bush Punishes Loose Lipped Teacher
    • Teacher Turns Tables On Bush
    • Bush Gets Detention And Learns Lesson After Class
    • Teacher And Bush See Each Other In Different Light
    • Dick Joins Home Schooling Initiative
    I guess thought crime is sexual farce, or is it sexual farce is a thought crime?

    Maybe the editor has their tongue firmly but sensually planted in cheeks?

    Maybe they are playing the straight man who doesn't realize that the in-cruise movie is Bareback Disco Gang Bang until after three drinks and the ship has left the harbour.

  • Evil Clown

  • Coming soon:
    Another Fine Product From Evil Evil Clown
    A Looters Guide To America's Cities


    Labels: , , , , , , ,

    Saturday, March 04, 2006

    Theories Of Clown Development - All's Hell That Ends Hell

    All's Hell That Ends Hell
    Theories Of Clown Development

    Assignment #1

    "We have reached a crux in our society. As I see it we have two choices; we slip inextricably into a pit of degeneration, debauchery, degradation and genocide or we drop like a rock.”

    - Micheal Joyce

    For hundreds of years, there has been rumours about clown evilution. Through illegal research and pernicious interest about the way clowns grow and change, various tautologies have been constructed.

    Clowns are complex animals that change continually, mentally, physically, socially and emotionally. Between what clowns are and how they mutate, stories differ a lot. Two popular cocktail tales are the Orgasmic theories and mechandistic theories

    The Orgasmic theory's thrust is that changes stem inside the orgasm and psycho sexual puppet theatres deep inside the clown. The accoutrement contributes to the advancement of the clown orgasm.

    In the other hand, the Mechandistic theory focus on the coupling of scenario to behavior and can be compared to the performance of machines.

    Enlightenment is stimulated externally, shaping behavior in the clown, who is a passive reactor.

    Environmental stimulations shapes behavior; a straightforward cockwork outcome of events.

    Most clowns lean one way or the other, but some are AC/DA.

    The 3 areas of attraction:

    Physical Double jointedness
    Mental Twistiness
    Emotional Vulnerability

    In the 20th century clown performance became an illegitimate cause. It was then that different theories of sin emerged.

    In the 1930's and 1940's Warhol's psycho analytic dream theorem was influential; the psycho sexual puppet theatre theory of clown development.

    Clown enlightenment was shaped too by feedback from Kostabi's Behaviorism in the 20th Century.

    Further illegal experimentation, found that the environment was 'dhe' force in clown development.

    This later became better know under the registered name The Stimulus-Response Routine, Fun For All Ages.

    Blah, blah and blah.

    In conclusion, it is clear that these theories differ in many respects and have strengths and weaknesses.

    However, no theory is a complete account of evil clowns whether it emphasizes X or Y development.

    The End.

    - Litotes The Clown

  • Evil Clown

  • Attention! Your attention, please! A newsflash has this moment arrived from the front in Malabar Iraq. Our forces in South Iraq have won a glorious victory.

    I am authorized to say that the action we are now reporting may well bring the war within measurable distance of its end.


    Clowns above:

    Andy Warhol Life - Profile - USA Pop Art 1928/1987
    Andy Warhol - "Self-Portrait with Camouflage" - 1986

    Mark Kostabi
    Mark Kostabi. Smelling the Roses, 2001. Oil on canvas, 40 x 40 inches.


    Friday, March 03, 2006

    what is this mortal coil?

    are we to engage in all things ulterior?

    then let me present all that i have known, then my brain can be in yours.

    all that i write reflects all that i am... all paintings are self portraits in disguise.

    think on it.

    even though i may reprint photographic realty with imperfect or hidden brush strokes, i tell you nonetheless what i am all about. circumstance or temporary concerns have led me to photo-realism – why is this so?

    do i spurn the masses or embrace them? do i paint landscapes or car-bombs?

    no matter how clinical the act, the subject and the presentation reveals all. and if this is a thing that i manipulate, does that not tell you volumes as well?

    you might well ask, who is the clown here? viewer or...

    let me not be dialectic [full stop]

    all that i am is all that you are.

    this is the lesson of the audience. this is the lesson of completion.

    the audience, however small, determines, at least in part, the outcome.

    today i thought about the theme of 'chariots of fire' / 'wide world or sports' in juxtapose to the gyrations of porn.

    it was very satisfying for about 14.5min then i lost interest.

  • Evil Clown

  • Mao wrote 'Political power issues from the barrel of a gun.' This is becoming amended to 'Power issues from a zero and a one.'
    - Litotes The Clown


    someone who gets it:

    StrawBerry Glitter Sin


    Thursday, March 02, 2006

    Sad Clown Ask, You Are Special?

    Welcome To The Funhouse

    You’re remarkable - you really are
    You’re the only one like you
    There isn’t another in the whole wide world
    Who can do the things you do
    Because you are special- special
    Everyone is special
    Everyone in his or her own way
    Yes you re special -special
    Everyone is special
    Everyone in his or her own way!

    Artist: Barney
    Song: You are special

  • Evil Clown

  • The high cost of irony will be reflected at the pump.
    - Litotes The Clown


    Addiction warning:

    Big Happy Fun House

    Vernacular photography is my thing. I hope you like it.

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