I Met A Man Who Wasn't There
A Frightfully Good Scare
As I was going up the stair
I met a man, who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish, I wish he'd go away
Whispered in a sing-song voice, like a child's rhyme.
Like an incantation or prayer against something bad and scary. Appropriate for protection from evil clowns, demons and the menacing but unseen.
You live in a murky nightmare, being toyed with by forces you can't control or comprehend.
Everyone, it seems, has a duel identity, a secret or a secret life: playing on themes of fantasy vs. reality and public lie vs. private truth.
Memory and time:
I met a man, who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
And in this case, who can you meet who isn't there? Yourself.
'I wish, I wish he'd go away' sounds is a combination of beseeching and wishing for things to return to the tolerably normal and mundane.
The poem is, at its heart, nonsensical. This reflects the state of your mind and of the audience.
The compound effect of all these elements makes it eerie... In another context it would sound like Dr. Seus or Lewis Caroll.
The phantom doesn't just 'go away', but has to be faced...
I hate therefore I am
Next on Charmed: A demon attacks The Charmed Ones with dream dust, causing their nightmares to come to life. Paige is harassed by an evil clown at a baby shower.
John Cusack
Ray Liotta
John Hawkes
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