Saturday, March 04, 2006

Theories Of Clown Development - All's Hell That Ends Hell

All's Hell That Ends Hell
Theories Of Clown Development

Assignment #1

"We have reached a crux in our society. As I see it we have two choices; we slip inextricably into a pit of degeneration, debauchery, degradation and genocide or we drop like a rock.”

- Micheal Joyce

For hundreds of years, there has been rumours about clown evilution. Through illegal research and pernicious interest about the way clowns grow and change, various tautologies have been constructed.

Clowns are complex animals that change continually, mentally, physically, socially and emotionally. Between what clowns are and how they mutate, stories differ a lot. Two popular cocktail tales are the Orgasmic theories and mechandistic theories

The Orgasmic theory's thrust is that changes stem inside the orgasm and psycho sexual puppet theatres deep inside the clown. The accoutrement contributes to the advancement of the clown orgasm.

In the other hand, the Mechandistic theory focus on the coupling of scenario to behavior and can be compared to the performance of machines.

Enlightenment is stimulated externally, shaping behavior in the clown, who is a passive reactor.

Environmental stimulations shapes behavior; a straightforward cockwork outcome of events.

Most clowns lean one way or the other, but some are AC/DA.

The 3 areas of attraction:

Physical Double jointedness
Mental Twistiness
Emotional Vulnerability

In the 20th century clown performance became an illegitimate cause. It was then that different theories of sin emerged.

In the 1930's and 1940's Warhol's psycho analytic dream theorem was influential; the psycho sexual puppet theatre theory of clown development.

Clown enlightenment was shaped too by feedback from Kostabi's Behaviorism in the 20th Century.

Further illegal experimentation, found that the environment was 'dhe' force in clown development.

This later became better know under the registered name The Stimulus-Response Routine, Fun For All Ages.

Blah, blah and blah.

In conclusion, it is clear that these theories differ in many respects and have strengths and weaknesses.

However, no theory is a complete account of evil clowns whether it emphasizes X or Y development.

The End.

- Litotes The Clown

  • Evil Clown

  • Attention! Your attention, please! A newsflash has this moment arrived from the front in Malabar Iraq. Our forces in South Iraq have won a glorious victory.

    I am authorized to say that the action we are now reporting may well bring the war within measurable distance of its end.


    Clowns above:

    Andy Warhol Life - Profile - USA Pop Art 1928/1987
    Andy Warhol - "Self-Portrait with Camouflage" - 1986

    Mark Kostabi
    Mark Kostabi. Smelling the Roses, 2001. Oil on canvas, 40 x 40 inches.



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