Saturday, February 18, 2006

Evil Clown Explains How To Render Fat

Make Your Own Soap

Begin with fresh clean fat.

Delicately cut away all traces of sinew, cartilage, bone and muscle. A very sharp thin bladed knife works well.

Cut into chunks or cubes.

Heat the fat in a clean large and heavy pot or casserole dish on low heat.

Evil clown tip: to speed the process cut fat into smaller pieces.

Stir occasionally using a large clean long handled cooking spoon until completely melted.

Strain the liquid fat through a double cheese cloth directly into a clean soap making pot or glass jar.

Evil clown safety tip: slow warm the glass first with hot water, dry thoroughly and use immediately to avoid cracking or shattering.

This process removes impurities and debris.

Cover tightly and store in the fridge for later use if you are not making soap immediately. Mason jars work well.

Please note this can be a very odorous and arduous process. conduct it in a well ventilated area – many prefer to conduct the process out of doors.

  • Evil Clown

  • Tyler was full of useful information.


    Science image:
    Radiologische Gemeinschaftspraxis



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