Thursday, October 06, 2005

Why Is This Man Wearing A Clown Face On His Crotch?

Does Nike Think This Kind Of Behavior Is Funny?

Subvert subversion to sell merde. As a near pure brand Nike has nothing to sell but… its… well… brand.

And brand is about lifestyle, aspirations and strong emotions.

Q: Which line of overpriced shoes represents who you are as a person?

A: All of them you shallow mindless fusker.

Nike is the winged Pagan Goddess of victory who runs and flies at great speeds. She is a shape-shifter that can appear in any guise.

But Nike is also part of the Modern Marketing Pantheon as the Deity of Brand.

How many supposed Christians wear this symbol, part Pagan God / part Secular God to church?

Greed, love of money, lust, envy?

When one child kills another child for shoes it is not only a travesty and a sin, it is a Blood Sacrifice on an Unholy Alter. This is the path of Sin that leads to Satan.

Who, but an Evil Clown, could work children in poverty like slaves to sell sacrilegious abomination to other children in a frenzy of greed, envy and Blood Lust?

They revel in their illicit and obscene profits and thrive on the chaos and moral emptiness they sow.

Who but an Evil Clown could market this scheme for their master Lucifer?

Who would defend the Devil with a straight face?

Nike even has its own Prayer – to itself!

It’s called a Brand Mantra. A mantra is a sacred Pagan verbal formula repeated in prayer, meditation, or incantation, such as an invocation of a God, a magic spell, or a syllable or portion of scripture containing mystical potentialities.

Nike’s is: Authentic Athletic Performance

It has even been suggested that 2 Nike executives contemplated getting a few of the shoe buyers killed at random to spur sales of their latest shoe. This is obviously expanding on kids getting mugged for their sneakers. [Paraphrased from Jennifer Government]

Now, ‘Michael Jordan mugged for sneakers’ is hilarious, this is not.


"All anybody has to do is call a Nike factory a 'sweatshop' that's 12,000 miles away, and how do you prove it or disprove it?"

- Phil Knight, founder of Nike


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