Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Evil Clowns Make You Believe In The InComprehensible Or Die Laughing

Evil Evil Clown is being translated into Dutch and Catalan and will be available next year from Non Sequitur ‘It is Important and Intelligent’!

The world is full of intellectual clowns and impostors, but it is also full of Idiotsavants who think that modern French theory is a load of merde. Right or wrong, no clown with a sense of humour or justice will publicly disagree.

Superficial Erudition abounds as it always has. It is the sidekick of insight, a ‘cheap laughs’ mimicry, a foil trying to masquerade or emulate competence and almost failing.

If you encounter agents of obscurantism using highfalutin polemics to confuse, irrationalize or cast a dogma so weighty it collapses on itself – get ready for violence.

These clown theorists and art critics are most often phonies. Their pious belief in themselves and their vindictive epistemological claims exclude them from the ranks of benign jokesters and grifters.

It also means that they are likely to be recalcitrant zealots who, as intellectuals, will only understand violence or the imminent threat of violence. They are not unlike those poor unfortunates who are not able to conceptualize the consequences of their actions and immediate options and wonder why they are back in prison.

Though they often sound like clowns and take clown names, e.g.:

"Sexuality is fundamentally elitist"
- Leotard the Clown a ‘Famous French Finker’

"Language is impossible"
- Beaudrillard the Clown
They are not Clowns!

If, after careful analysis, their books or verbiage seem incomprehensible it is because they mean nothing!

If someone identifies themselves as a semiotic neocapitalist or proclaims or say they know:

- The precultural paradigm of context
- The absurdity of sexuality
- That preconceptualist stigmata of otherness deconstructs capitalist semioticism

Take immediate action:

- Laugh your ass off
- Applaud enthusiastically whenever you feel like it
- Gasping, wheeze ‘Wholly Merde, I get it. . . ”
- Mutter ‘brilliant brilliant’
- Look around the crowd smugly to see if other people ‘get it’

If the sodium pentothal is wearing off, slip on your clown knows and ‘Pie’ them.

The rest will be metahistory.


"Hey baby, isn't it a little hot in here for that cheerleader outfit?"

- Krusty doll to Malibu Stacey


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