Saturday, December 31, 2005

Coulrophobics Are Warned To Stay Away - This Evil Clown Is Not For The Kids Or The Faint Of Heart

This Scary Evil Clown Picture Was Sent In By Joe The Pimp

If the evil clown image does not display properly visit Joe The Pimp (Evil Clown (10/30/05)) personally, you'll be glad you did.

Just before my 'episode' I was contacted by Joe who had seen a blog about my post:

Lo Those Many Moons Ago, When The First Evil Clown Appeared
Evil Clown Friend Confesses: We Were Both On Our Way To Becoming Chemically Unfit To Operate Machinery Of Any Kind

In it I shared a find from Entropical Paradise (Short Attention-Span Theater): Masquerade... and combined it with an unrelated picture.

This mismatch gave me the idea for Evil Clown Exquisite Corpse

Very kindly Joe wrote to me to let me know he was the clown in question (in the text, not the picture) and directed me to his blog and picture...

To be sure he is A Most Excellent Evil Clown.

  • Litotes The Clown

  • Accused of over hyping a statistical association and engaging in hypertrophied, sweeping and unjustified policy recommendations?

    Remember, Correlation Does Not Equal Causation.


    Friday, December 30, 2005

    Litotes The Clown Thanks Ubermilf For Kindnesses

    Evil Clown Apologizes For Delayed Gratification

    Back in November 09, 2005 I posted the first of what I had hoped would be the beginning of an experimental series of posts:

    Think of this as an Evil Clown Exquisite Corpse

    Exquisite Corpse – Excellent Cadavers - Cadavre Exquis

    The idea was (and is) to smash together clown writing and images in evil and interesting ways.

    Ubermilf was part of that first, successful, experiment.

    Ubermilf directly and graciously got in touched me

    Being the very milk of kindness, from her bounty, she gifted me and spoke to me kindly.

    Tragically, as is so often the case, circumstances conspired against me.

    The plot is well enough known to the world weary; the evil clown encounters trials, setbacks (not all of them court ordered), mistaken identity, misunderstanding and complications galore.

    Standing now just past another crossroads; life finds me more grateful than some.

    Details of my mission aside, I give my heart felt thanks to Ubermilf – not only for her words and gifts, but for her ample forbearance.

    If only all women were thus endowed.

    Our story does not end here, but I for my part, worn by my recent exertions, must retire and have my respite before I come again.

    Litotes The Clown


    In 1965 Vietnam seemed like just another foreign war,
    but it wasn't.

    • 19, Paul Hardcastle, 1985, (TV announcer's voice: Peter Thomas. 1964)

    Evil Clown Resources & Co-Conspirators:

  • Evil Clowns' Lair
  • Evil Clown PentWhistle
  • Evil Clown Pills

  • ##

    Thursday, December 29, 2005

    Evil Clown Returns After Learning The Importance Of Medication

    Evil Clown Mug Shot And The Mechanics Of Arrest

    I have returned after a prolonged absense. Over the next few days I will be catching up on my todo list and correspondence.

    In the mean time Here are a few thoughts on tactics for keeping control of the clown.

    Self-Control – your role in physical arrest is to protect your crotch, the police system, the public and to take the evil clown into custody. It is important for you to maintain physical and emotional control in order to ensure safety for yourself, the evil clown and the audience.

    Be prepared to:

    Control your emotions and physical self – no punching until the van;

    Restrain the violator to make them feel completely dominated and controlled; and

    The situation – don’t get crazy and lose it by letting stress and impulses to overcome your self-control and balance: no laughing.

    Physical balance is the position that allows you the ability to move while maintaining balance, strength, and advantage.

    Awareness – watch everything and keep track of the evil clowns’ hands, weapons, other clowns, angry parents, frightened children (Stockholm Syndrome), escape routes, and your epistemic footing.


    stand up, there's a head count…
    stand up, we'll put you on your feet again…
    - President Gas, Forever Now


    Evil Clown Resources & Co-Conspirators:
  • Evil Clowns' Lair
  • Evil Clown PentWhistle
  • Evil Clown Pills

  • ##
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