Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Lo Those Many Moons Ago, When The First Evil Clown Appeared

Evil Clown Friend Confesses: We Were Both On Our Way To Becoming Chemically Unfit To Operate Machinery Of Any Kind

I have been prowling but have found little of note this halloween. Hopefully reports will continue to filter in from the front.

One bright spot has been cavenoid.

Besides being interested in shark hunts and exorcisms he has an Evil Clown aquaintance elegantly blogged at Entropical Paradise (Short Attention-Span Theater):

The other day I got a phone call from my friend in New York. He asked if I could guess what his Halloween costume was going to be. I tried to come up with something clever and timely, "A Federal Indictment?" Nope. "What do I do every year?"

Then I remembered: Evil Clown. You have to love a guy who knows a classic and sticks with it. He's now in his second decade of the Evil Clown bit - and this year was really special. Big tie, big shoes, funny hat, and white contact lenses to make the whole thing - well - evil.

Give me more Masquerade...

N.B.: The featured picture and blog are unrelated, but I wish they were. The Drunk Clown picture has been linked from Bottom of the Bottle.

BotB is 'a heavy alternative Rock night. It is run and promoted by Dj Trev.'

Anarchy In The U.K. babe!


Brontophobia: Fear of books written by the Bronte sisters.

- Litotes The Clown


Resourses and Co-Conspirators:

  • Evil Evil Clowns' Lair
  • PentWhistle the Clown
  • Pills the Clown

  • ##


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