Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Reasons To Be An Evil Clown 111 - 120

Reasons d’Être

It's like a sickness only worse:

111. If we ever had a bullshit meter, it broke

112. The Clown you want to throttle is looking back at you from the mirror

113. We live what we know

114. Too well hung for regular work

115. Revenge

116. Chicks dig it

117. It's my anit-drug

118. Waiting for credible 3rd party

119. The Internet opens a whole new world of business opportunities

120. Lead and Mercury content in local water is lower than federal requirements, but higher than my delicate clown tolerance

God's Cruel Kingdom

1. Sight Alignment
2. Sight Picture
3. Trigger
4. Breath Control
5. Positions

This is my dick.
There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Without my dick I am nothing.
Without me, my dick is nothing.

Oh yeah? Try walking a mile in my Clown Shoes little feet!

  • Evil Clown

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